Automation Solutions

Contract manufacturers and OEMs trust Haumiller to deliver quality automated assembly machines for high-volume disposable products.
Haumiller equipment is production-ready faster, more efficient, reliable, and often exceeds 95% OEE.

Maintenance Programs

Haumiller specializes in custom automation solutions for high-speed and continuous motion assembly machines, offering tailored support and maintenance strategies to significantly enhance asset uptime and operational efficiency.

Automating maintenance is crucial for boosting asset uptime, cutting down maintenance expenses, and boosting revenue. It enables organizations to shift vital equipment from scheduled maintenance to a condition-based maintenance approach. Haumiller specializes in high speed assembly and continuous motion assembly machines, offering custom automation solutions to enhance your operational efficiency.

Maximize Uptime, Minimize Costs

We provide various levels of support tailored to your company's needs, integrating assembly automation and engineering expertise. Our accurate documentation aids in troubleshooting, ensuring your high speed continuous motion assembly system remains operational long after production begins. Our test department, skilled in continuous motion assembly machine processes, undergoes extensive testing/debugging in three phases and can be onsite to expedite your return to production.

Furthermore, we support planned maintenance intervals through a preventative maintenance schedule, collaboratively designed to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your assembly machines. For initiating custom automation solutions and leveraging our engineering expertise in assembly automation, please contact our Sales or Service Department.

Our Testing Process Simplified

Our testing team isn't trying to make the machine work, it's trying to make the machine fail. We assess the durability of every machine to ensure your machine will last with any operator under any condition.

Phase 1

A series of short tests of every separate function of the machine to find obvious errors while running only the specific parts, and is completed when each function of the machine has run approximately 10 seconds.

Phase 2

Phase 2 is a series of tests, operating the machine as a whole interactive system. It is completed when the machine has run approximately 5 consecutive minutes with every function working.

Phase 3

A test of each specified set of parts, with every function working and the machine operating as a complete, interactive system. This phase is considered complete when the machine has run satisfactorily for 30 consecutive minutes unless a different time frame is specified.

The most common questions

What makes you confident in achieving a significantly higher output rate for the machine?
Do you take any project?
Who will install my equipment? 
When is the best time to engage Haumiller?
When can I expect a response to my request for service / info?

We go Above and Beyond to Understand Clients' Unique Needs, Providing Solutions That are Tailored to Their Goals

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